Ventilator Options

The design presented here can be implemented with different subsets of components and different sources for each component. The following configurations are useful representatives:

Name Valve Flow-Meter Comments
Full-SMC-S SMC PVQ31-6G-40 Siargo 4800 Closed-loop with off-the-shelf components
Full-SMC-H SMC PVQ31-6G-40 Honeywell Same but with different flow sensor
OL-SMC SMC PVQ31-6G-40 None Open-Loop with off-the shelf valve
Full-SMC-OS SMC PVQ31-6G-40 Open-Source Closed-Loop with off-the-shelf valve and open-source flow-sensor
Full-OS-OS Open-Source Open-Source Closed-loop with all open-source components
Dual-SMC-H 2xSMC PVQ31-6G-40 Honeywell Dual solenoid valves for in-unit air-oxygen blending
Dual-OS-OS 2x Open-Source Open Source Dual open-source valves for in-unit air-oxygen blending